
Testimonial of Avoiding Stomach Acid Attacks

Biasanya disinilah area awal sakitnya Asam Lambung
Jakarta (Sehat Tanah Impian) - Artikel Bahasa Indonesia, setelah Artikel Bahasa Inggris

Warning: This method is not for people who have high blood pressure.

In order to recover quickly, during treatment, don't drink carbonated drinks, and don't smoke and drink coffee.
January 2021, I had a severe stomach acid attack, starting to feel nauseous, vomiting, dizzy, until I fainted and fell into a coma, so I was rushed to the hospital, and was treated for up to 5 days.

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At the hospital I was diagnosed with hyponatremia (lack of salt - and infused with nacl)

I'm not the type to blindly believe.

Once at home, every day I googling. Finally, I was sure that I was suffering from severe gastric acid.

And January 2022, at night to be precise, it turned out that I had another attack of gastric acid, but luckily it just reached the dizziness stage, I suddenly remembered that I had an attack of gastric acid.

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I don't want it to be like what happened in 2021, so I force myself to eat as much as I can, and I take the salt shaker in the kitchen to the bedroom.

Every time the mouth starts to taste strange, then I dab a little salt, sip it for a while, then drink it.

In the morning then I can buy Lime...

With lime juice (you can also lemon), plus salt (the important thing is that it tastes salty)... I sucked a little, maybe 1 hour or 30 minutes, you don't need to count the time, the important thing is when your mouth starts to taste strange, then suck again

Place your tongue on the edge of the lip of the glass, when the salt-orange juice reaches the tip of your tongue, just suck a little

Thank God, healing came to me...

At 11.05 everything was back to normal.

Basic Medicine
Take a pinch of salt (a teaspoon)
  • Take a pinch of salt with the index finger
  • Lick then swallow
  • Then drink a little
  • Healed with the permission of God Almighty
Do it every time before eating and after eating

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Further Treatment

If the salt therapy above, you think is less effective, then you can try it by:

Take one or two lemons / limes, then squeeze them in a small glass
Add 1/4 tsp table salt
Not drunk, but like smoked.
Place your tongue on the edge of the lip of the glass, when the salt-orange juice reaches the tip of your tongue, just suck a little.
Do it several times, until the indicator, for example, headache. Feel until the headache caused by stomach acid disappears...
Healed with the permission of God Almighty

Lemon / Lime. sour taste but alkaline in nature.
The sour taste is suppressed by the saltiness of the salt.

Why should salt?

Stomach acid is HCl (Hydrochloric Acid) which is acidic

NaCl (Salt) + H2O (Water) = NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) is basic

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Thus, the reaction that occurs in the stomach, Acid meets Base becomes Neutral

Healed with the permission of God Almighty

Foto : Special
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Bahasa Indonesia
Testimoni Terhindar  Serangan Asam Lambung

Peringatan : Cara ini bukan untuk orang yang memiliki penyakut darah tinggi.

Agar cepat pulih, saat pengobatan, jangan minum-minuman bersoda, serta jangan ngeroko dan ngopi.

Januari tahun 2021, saya kena serangan Asam Lambung parah, mulai rasa mual, muntah, pusing, hingga jatuh pingsan dan koma, sehingga saya dilarikan ke rumah sakit, dan dirawat hingga 5 hari.

Di rumah sakit saya dinyatakan menderita penyakit hiponatremia (kekurangan garam - dan diinfus nacl)

Saya bukan tipe yang begitu saja percaya.

Setelah di rumah, setiap hari saya googling. Akhirnya baru saya yakin, bahwa saya menderita penyakit Asam Lambung parah.

Dan Januari 2022, tepatnya malam hari, ternyata saya kena lagi serangan Asam Lambung tersebut, cuma untungnya baru sampai tahap pusing, saya keburu ingat, bahwa saya kena serangan Asam Lambung.

Tidak mau seperti kejadian di tahun 2021, maka saya paksakan makan semasuknya saja, dan tempat garam di dapur saya bawa ke kamar tidur.

Setiap kali rasa mulut mulai aneh, maka saya colek sedikit garam, emut sebentar, lalu minum.

Di pagi harinya barulah saya bisa beli Jeruk Nipis...

Dengan perasan jeruk nipis (lemon juga boleh), ditambah garam (yang penting terasa asinnya)... Saya isap sedikit, mungkin 1 jam atau 30 menit, tidak perlu dihitung waktunya, yang penting saat mulut mulai rasa aneh, nah isap lagi

Letakan lidah diujung bibir gelas, saat air jeruk garam sampai di ujung lidah, cukup isap sedikit saja

Puji Syukur ya Tuhan, kesembuhan mendatangi saya...

Jam 11.05 semua sudah seperti normal kembali. 

Pengobatan Dasar

Ambil sedikit garam (seujung sendok teh)

  1. Ambil sejumput garam tersebut dengan jari telunjuk
  2. Jilat lalu telan 
  3. Kemudian minum sedikit

Sembuh atas izin Tuhan YME

Lakukan setiap sebelum makan dan setelah makan

Pengobatan Selanjutnya

Jika dengan terapi garam di atas, menurut Anda kurang memberi efek, maka bisa dicoba dengan :

  1. Ambil satu atau dua jeruk lemon / jeruk nipis, lalu peras di gelas kecil saja
  2. Masukan 1/4 sdt garam dapur
  3. Bukan diminum, tapi seperti diisap.
  4. Letakan lidah diujung bibir gelas, saat air jeruk garam sampai di ujung lidah, cukup isap sedikit saja.
  5. Lakukan beberapa kali, sampai indikatornya, misalnya sakit kepala. Rasakan hingga sakit kepala yang dikarenakan Asam Lambung tersebut, lenyap...

Sembuh atas izin Tuhan YME

Lemon/Jeruk Nipis.rasa asem tapi sifatnya basa.
Rasa asem ditekan dengan asinnya Garam.

Baca juga: Serangan Asam Lambung Akibatkan Meninggal Mendadak

Kenapa harus garam?

Asam lambung adalah HCl (Asam Chlorida) bersifat asam

NaCl (Garam) + H2O (Air) =  NaOH (Natrium Hidroksida) bersifat basa

Dengan demikian, reaksi yang terjadi didalam lambung, Asam bertemu Basa menjadi Netral

Sembuh atas izin Tuhan YME

Testimonial of Avoiding Stomach Acid Attacks Testimonial of Avoiding Stomach Acid Attacks Reviewed by matahatinews on 05.59 Rating: 5
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